Presley + Newborn | Stuttgart, Germany

I absolutely love this picture!!!!

When you have a baby, everyone comes to your house to sit around looking at the baby whether she's asleep or awake.  Somehow, simply looking at the baby can take hours and feels completely fulfilling.  Nothing compares to the way a mom looks at her baby though.  There's so much love and emotion in that sweet gaze upon the baby that was safely tucked inside her belly only a few days before.  Motherhood is simply amazing.  

I "met" Ariane twice while doing two other shoots and didn't even know it!  She was at the hospital for a prenatal checkup while I was there for a birth and then she stopped in during a newborn shoot I was doing and I didn't even notice she was there!  I guess I get caught up in the moment when my camera is glued to my face!  Ariane's mom was there helping out with the baby when I arrived at her house.  Another thing I love in life:  a mom's job is NEVER done!!!  Even when kids are all grown up with babies of their own, they still need their moms!  If my mom lived next door to me, I'd be one happy camper :)  Being away from your mom really makes you appreciate the time you get to spend together!

Baby Presley was wide awake when I arrived, but after some time with grandma, I had a very sleepy baby in basket---win!!!  Her big brother was more interested in my photography equipment than anything else in the room so he was fairly easy to entertain.  This entire family was so photogenic!!!  You're going to fall in love with these pictures, so prepare yourself :)