Jack + Newborn | Stuttgart, Germany

Hello everyone!  Meet Jack!!  He is welcomed into this world by his parents, 2 big sisters, a cat, and a dog :)  What an amazing family to be born into!!  I took his sister Lizzie's pictures a few weeks ago when Jack was still inside his mommy's tummy.  She was so tiny!!!  Less than 2 weeks after Jack was born, she is still tiny :)  Jack was such a good little baby during his photo shoot.  He loooooooved to be rocked.  He never woke up when the dog barked, but just about every time I stopped rocking him, he woke up :)  Lizzie loved stopping by to check in on Jack too.  Once I asked her to give him a kiss, all she wanted to do was stop by and kiss him.  She was so sweet!  

I love the tiny details of babies!!!  They grow so fast so I almost HAVE to take pictures of all the little things that will soon be big things!!!