Messer + Family Portaits | Stuttgart, Germany

Catherine and Brett decided to spend their 7th wedding anniversary with ME!!!  How lucky am I???  We spent the afternoon at Killesberg Park for their family portrait session.  The weather was GORGEOUS!!  It was the first warm day after a week of chilly weather.  The flowers were out, everything was green, and everyone was happy!!  Juliette had fun posing for me and then once the bubbles came out, all she wanted to do was blow bubbles.  That's the cool thing about being 2--bubbles are the most exciting thing on earth!!  Her little brother Wyatt is pretty much the most chill, easy going baby ever.  We see him every week at Mommy & Me tumbling and I'm pretty sure he has only made a peep ONCE.  If you don't fall in love with his personality, those big cheeks and big blue eyes will definitely win you over!!!  I love this family :)  Catherine makes a mean organic cappuccino....though everything she makes is organic and REAL.  She's an amazing cook so if you want some recipe ideas or to see how fun she is on a normal basis, you should subscribe to her blog The Bronze Spoon.   


When the family portraits were over, these two BFFs met up and walked hand in hand to the carousel and then to play some soccer :)  They are pretty much the cutest friends ever!!