Melody + Mommy & Me | Stuttgart, Germany

Melody and her little blond beauties were so much fun to shoot!  When deciding on a location, we learned that we lived in the same village!  That never happens so I was happy to suggest the pick your own flower field  down the road from me.  I wish these were as common in the U.S. as they are in Germany.  My husband and I took our dog and daughter for walks down there almost daily.  During the summer, the fields were right next to several pick your own fresh berry fields.  I LOVED walking down there on a hot summer day, picking some fresh berries, cutting some fresh flowers, getting everyone ( daughter) worn out so that she would nap, and eating berries the entire way home!  

Elsie and Isla (don't you just love their names?!) had very little intention of having their photos taken this morning, but we still managed to get some smiles out of them.  Both girls were happy to pick flowers and Isla loved to point at my dog, Zane.  I loved having a local shoot because I got to take Zane on a morning walk to the field AND he was a huge hit for getting the girls to look at me for pictures.  Double win!  The great part of the girls not exactly wanting to be photographed is that they both wanted to cuddle with their mommy which meant I got some great shots of motherhood.  Isn't it amazing how a mommy hug can fix anything???  "Mommy, it is early, I'm tired, I'm a little emotional, I don't know what is wrong with me and this girl keeps pointing her camera at me.  Can we hug?"  Bam.  Fixed.  Yet another reason why moms are AWESOME.