Mercedes + Maternity | Stuttgart, Germany

Photographing motherhood is the most beautiful experience.  A woman is walking around in day to day life while simultaneously creating a life inside of her.  She accomplishes what a normal person does in a single day all the while growing lungs, a brain, fingers and toes, skin, and the list goes on.  A mother-to-be grows a HUMAN!  Every time I think about the process, my mind is blown.  It is such a miraculous gift to be the vessel for a growing baby.  

Mercedes is such a loving, selfless mother already to her unborn baby boy of 32 weeks.  When I asked if she has had an easy pregnancy, she quickly replied yes.  Her husband looked at her like she was crazy and said no.  She recognized that her pregnancy has been smooth compared to others and despite the challenges she has had, she was just happy to be where she is and excited for the birth of her baby.  She's such a mom already with putting her own feelings to the side and just worrying about the baby :)  

I had a fantastic time walking around Killesberg Park with Mercedes and Andy.  They were a fun, easy going couple who wanted nothing more than to capture some memories of their growing family to be.  At the end of the shoot, Andy had a special request that I capture him "pregnant" as well.  I can't deny a father-to-be his maternity debut either!