Lindsey + Maternity | Stuttgart, Germany

I love everything about motherhood, especially photographing it!  Lindsey contacted me about her maternity shoot and we were able to meet at Killesberg Park only a few days before I had to hop on an international flight to move home to Virginia.  She was also in the middle of her own pregnant move across town!  I'm so glad we were able to get together because she is a BEAUTY!  Even though she was in her last few weeks of pregnancy, she was still very easy going and wanted nothing more than to capture life at this very moment with her growing belly and family.  I could tell how excited her daughter was every time she got near her mommy's belly!  They are now officially a family four as they have recently welcomed a baby BOY into this world!!!    

While photographing Lindsey, we learned that we both knew of each other from a mutual friend and didn't know it!  We both knew this friend that was stateside who was getting ready to move to Germany.  Lindsey was my friend's "pregnant friend" that was supposed to let her know how her delivery goes at this particular German hospital since she is also pregnant.  I was the "girl married to the guy her friend's husband was replacing at work" as this friend was moving into our house as well.  Confused yet???  Small world.  Just know that.  :)

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