Hustwit Family | Stuttgart, Germany

The Hustwit's are one of those families that you just HAVE to love.  They are all funny, they laugh a lot, and they are simply warm people who embrace friendship and time with others.  I met Heather and Molly at my daughter's Tumbling class.  The girls became friends on day one and the rest was history.  Molly would join Alicia and I on the couch outside of class and ask to share snacks with Alicia.  I loved that she wasn't shy and basically said, "Look Alicia, you're my friend.  Friends share food.  Can I have some please?"  The mark of a true friendship.  

When Heather asked if I would take their family portraits, the answer was obvious!  Yes!  The life of an overseas military family meant this family photo session took 4 months to make happen with all of the family on the same continent for more than a few days.  I was so excited when they wanted to wear their dirndls and leiderhosen for the photos!  As you can see, they are all so adorable in their outfits!  The love between Ron and Heather and their love for their family was incredible to witness.  I joked that they were like newlyweds when they were together.  Their answer was, "This is what 14 years together will get you!"  Liam simply adored his little sister, Molly, as well.  Liam is kind of a ladies' man though he doesn't even really know it.  He's always quick to hug me and compliment me in some way.  Alicia immediately took to him and started referring to him as "my Liam."  That's just the kind of family they are though:  once you're in, you're family.