Bump to Baby: A quick Journey Through My Pregnancy #2

My baby girl just turned ONE.  ONE!  It is so hard to believe that I carried her for a little over 9 months and that she has been outside of my womb for a year now.  There are SO MANY REASONS why I love photographs, but what I love the most is the reminiscing that comes with them.  Looking at a single picture, I swear I can almost feel what I felt in that moment in time.  Time goes by so fast.  I decided today that I should catch my blog up with all of the sessions that should have been blogged in the last year or so.  It has taken me some time to get ahold of this mom-of-two gig.  I rock at being a mom.  I'm pretty decent at the wife thing most of the time.  I still have days where I feel like I'm failing at both jobs, but I'm grateful to be surrounded by enough people who love me and my family that I know they've got me covered on my not so great days.  In order for me to be the best versions of wife and mom, my photography business had to take a back seat.  I was 100% okay with this and am very lucky that my husband can support our family and that I have the option to solely focus on family.  While looking at past sessions, I realized I never shared Samantha's birth story like I promised I would.  It was indeed written, just not shared.  My mommy blog to my girls during pregnancy was always a priority for me.  I blogged in between contractions and while in labor.  My entire birth team had my phone password in order to keep my labor log updated.  Before sharing birth details, I thought I should share my pregnancy journey as well.  I laughed and cried looking through these today. 

Please bare with me as I get caught back up in my photography business.  I will try to bring my A-game, but my Mommy-Game still comes first.  I'm excited to share some of the sessions I've had in the last year and get you caught up on all the cuteness in my household!

This last photo was taken in between contractions on my baby girl's birth day!  Stay tuned to read Samantha's birth story!  I'm warning you now, it is a LONG story so get comfy when you see it pop up :-)