Rosalin & Andrew + Maternity Session | Otterberg, Germany

Sometimes I wish I could freeze time.  In most moments when I feel like that, I usually grab my camera and do my best to capture the moment.  Other times though, I just have to bask in the moment because I know that no picture could ever capture the beauty of that moment.  My husband was away on business for a few days and came home today.  He and our daughter played in every room of our house while I cooked dinner.  You should know, she's kind of a nudist.  If you come to our house, she will rarely have clothes on--unless you count a scarf, hat, or shoes as clothes.  She loves accessories!  She insisted on sitting on Daddy's lap at dinner (butt naked with a pair of black and white patent leather shoes on).  He was trying to eat his strawberry and spinach salad and she kept taking the food off of his fork and out of his bowl and putting it on her plate.  It seemed like kind of a race to see who could empty the bowl first.  She wasn't interested in actually eating the salad, she just wanted it all on her plate.  For some reason, it was so funny to me and I couldn't help but giggle and simply enjoy the moment of what was happening across the table from me.  

The smallest things in life make me happy.  I had no idea how much joy motherhood would bring me when we decided to start a family.  I knew I wanted to be a mom because I had such an amazing mom and my family is so important to me.  I can't imagine how my life would be right now without our daughter.  Every moment with her is a learning experience and brings me so much happiness.  

Early this morning, some very dear friends of ours became parents for the first time.  They were already doggie parents, but now they have a REAL deal baby of their own!  Rosalin and Andrew welcomed a baby girl into their family.  Ahhh!!  So exciting!!!  It is a family tradition in Andrew's family to not find out the sex of the baby so they didn't know if they would have a daughter or a son until TODAY!  I love that!  Birth is already an emotional and exciting moment, but to find out if you're having a boy or girl in that same moment would be so surreal.  I'm incredibly happy for them!  

I waited on the edge of my seat all day yesterday checking my email every few minutes to see if Andrew had sent any updates on the birth.  He was so good about keeping everyone informed of how much Rosalin was dilated and where she was in the laboring process.  I could tell from his emails that he was just in awe of Rosalin's strength as she labored all day with their baby girl.  I think that seeing a woman give birth is a very humbling experience for a man.  

Rosalin was such a glowing mama to be.  She embraced her belly from the very beginning and there's something so gorgeous about a woman comfortable in her own skin.  I loved watching her belly grow over the last few months.  We spent our first Christmas away from family with Andrew and Rosalin.  I remember her coming downstairs Christmas morning in a t-shirt that didn't quite cover her belly all the way as she greeted us and wished us a Merry Christmas.  I remember thinking how adorable she was and I loved that her shirt was too small for her belly :)  She's a take me as I am kind of girl and I love that about her!  Josh and Andrew have a kind of bromance like no other.  It is easy to feel like the "odd man out" when you're in a room with them (even if you're the wife) because they have this amazing friendship that clicked from day one of meeting.  

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from their maternity session!