18 Month Old Lizzie | Stuttgart, Germany

I spent the morning wandering around Killesberg Park with Lizzie and her mom.  Lizzie's mom wanted me to capture the essence of "Lizzie" so that she could look back on these pictures and see Lizzie's personality bursting through the photos.  Before I left home for the photo shoot, I stopped by a pick your own flower field down the road from me so that Lizzie could have some flowers to play with without picking flowers from the park.  First of all, how cool is it that I live next to a pick your own flower field?!  Germany is the coolest.  I picked 1 dozen colorful tulips for 4.80 euro and simply dropped the money into a barrel next the field.  

When I arrived at the park, I thought Lizzie would be really excited to hold the flowers, but she seemed really concerned that the flowers were not in place with all of the other flowers.  One by one, she put them all back in the flower field!  Toddler brains never cease to amaze and entertain me.  I kept snapping pictures while sneaking behind her and pulling the flowers out so that she would stay busy with her "flower stocking" job.  She seemed thrilled once her mom and I told her it was okay to pull the flowers apart and have fun with them. 

Lizzie has the most GORGEOUS bright, blue eyes!  I really enjoyed watching her explore the park. She was so easy going and simply enjoyed being free to do whatever she wanted.  I even told her mom that she was very brave letting Lizzie climb up and down on the concrete ledges without being scared she would fall.  She took a fall while running up the sidewalk and spent some time crying in her mama's arms getting boo-boos kissed and then was right back to playing!  My favorite moment of this session was right at the end when I picked Lizzie up and gave her some piggy back rides doing my best horsey impression.  This is something "Fun Aunt Tasha" is famous for back home :)  She laughed so hard!  I don't know anything that can brighten a person's day more than baby giggles!