Hayes Family | Fredericksburg, VA

Kelly and Mike just bought their first house!!!  When you're first time homeowners with little ones, you just HAVE to get family photos in front of the new house in time for Christmas.  When I arrived at their gorgeous house on the first day of actual cold, Fall weather, their oldest daughter was asleep and not feeling well.  That saying about "never wake a sleeping baby" extends to three year olds.  NEVER wake a three year old.  Ever.  I would rather wake a baby than a three year old any day.  This gave us the perfect opportunity to snag some Mommy & Baby pictures!  As a mother, it is so hard to actually be IN pictures so I'm always so happy when I get the opportunity to get just the mom in pictures.  Avery was such a good baby despite the cold, windy day!  

Once Brianna woke up, was coaxed into getting dressed, and then appropriately bribed with M&Ms, I was then on borrowed time with Mike!  He told me in advance that I had 15 minutes of cooperative picture taking which really meant I had 7-8 minutes before he started checking his watch.  I've photographed this family several times so we are all on the same page with his timelines of participation LOL.  I'm so excited to share their family photos!