Nash + Newborn | Stuttgart, Germany

I grew up in a family of 3 girls so walking into a house of 3 boys was quite a surprise!!  These boys were hilarious.  They were running across the furniture, jumping off the kitchen table, sliding across the floor, getting in trouble for doing all the aforementioned things and then doing it all again on repeat.  The 2 older brothers were so cute with their new baby brother.  Every time they ran by, they had to kiss the baby, pat him on the head, or attempt to hug him despite all of the times their mom said to leave the room and let him be LOL.  Baby Nash was a trooper and slept right through most of it!!  You have to be pretty resilient when you're the youngest of 3 boys.  Caleb, the middle brother, kept kissing him and saying, "Mommy, he's so cute!"  They really did adore him and it was the cutest thing.  This was my first shoot that I got to play with action figures, save a baby from T-Rex, kick a soccer ball outside, AND hold a baby :)  Overall, I'd say it was a win for everyone!  This family was so much fun :)  Everyone, meet Nash!!!