Brittany + Maternity Session (Part 1) | Stuttgart, Germany

I had the absolute honor of photographing Brittany's maternity session, doing her birth photography, AND her baby girl's newborn portraits.  There are so many pictures, she needs a 3 part blog all of her own :)  Brittany was 38.5 weeks when we scheduled her maternity shoot.  I remember her asking if that was too late in the game and I said, "only if you have that baby before Saturday!"  It was in the 30's when we showed up at the park and it was FREEZING!  I was shivering holding my camera, but Brittany was such a trooper and didn't think twice to take off her coat for a few pictures.  I almost didn't want her to take off her coat because I loved that bright pink!  We trekked all over the park and I was a little worried that all of that walking would kickstart her labor LOL!  Again, Brittany didn't bat an eye at all of the walking.  She's kind of a rockstar, people.  And have you heard the girl pray???  Brittany was the MOPS coordinator this past year and the first thing I noticed about her was that she can effortlessly pray in front of a huge group of women.  She didn't stutter.  She didn't stumble over her words.  She's amazing.  That's all there is to it.  

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
— Psalm 139:13